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Walmart Announces Healthy Food Label and Effort to Reduce Sodium, Fat and Sugar Intake


When the world’s largest retailer says it is doing something to make people healthier, we listen. Walmart announced this week that they are reducing fat, sugar and sodium in their private-label foods, and will start marketing other healthy food items in April with their new “Great for You” icon. Walmart is already the largest seller of organic produce in the United States , and that’s just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the big blue retailers green initiatives. Though they aren’t all green, they are doing a lot to bring affordable, healthy food and eco-education to the masses and for that we say, bravo. Read the rest of Walmart Announces Healthy Food Label and Effort to Reduce Sodium, Fat and Sugar Intake Permalink | Add to del.icio.us | digg Post tags: biggest green retailer , environmental efforts , food label , great for you , green retailer , healthy food , healthy food label , largest green retailer , largest organic produce retailer , Michelle Obama , obama healthy food initiative , obesity epidemic , organic food , sustainability efforts , walmart , walmart green , walmart healthy food initiative , walmart healthy food label , walmart organic

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Walmart Announces Healthy Food Label and Effort to Reduce Sodium, Fat and Sugar Intake

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